Other routes
Group taxi, bus, school bus or specialized transportation
Haut-Saint-François MRC and outside, including Sherbrooke.
Consult our rates.

Our schedules present the municipalities served by our services. Contact us to know the details of the routes and to book your place.
Registration is required for public transportation prior to first use. Please follow the registration procedure.
Note that reservations are made in the order they are received, according to the number of spaces available in each vehicle. We advise you to reserve as early as possible in order to have a space on the route you desire.
These routes mix users and offer fixed boarding points. The schedules preceded by a P # (ex: P6) allow users to get into the bus at the indicated point without reservation.
Reservation is not required, but to ensure you a place in the vehicle, please let us know your name at 819 832 2711/1717.
If you can’t find a route corresponding to your needs, please contact us at 819 832 2711/1717. We will try to match your need with that of other users according to requests and reservations in order to offer you a collective taxi service.